It's very upsetting to me and the Lucky13 team that people in the industry will continue to espouse these myths in the hopes of making a quick buck.
Most of the time these sites are trying to sell you some kind of workout plan, diet plan, or product.
When scientific study after scientific study repeatedly show that targeting fat loss to specific areas of your body is next to impossible, the notion that it is possible is continually perpetuated.
Most scientific studies are performed on either the arms or the abdominal regions.
Most of these studies have one group of individuals exercise for 6-8 weeks and another group do no exercise at all.
At the end of these studies performance increases in the workout group, meaning they can do more sit ups, bicep curls, or tricep press downs than the group who did nothing but local fat mass does not change.
To prove this even further, a group of researchers gathered up a bunch of tennis players. The reason being in tennis you only use 1 arm, so 1 arm is trained for years and the other is left untrained.
What they found was that the players had significantly more muscle mass and girth on their playing arm, but when the researchers looked at fat mass it was equal between the playing arm and non-playing arm.
If years of dominant arm training shows no loss in local fat, we surely can't spot reduce in exercising 3 times a week.
The truth is you can't spot reduce.
Science proves you can't just lean out your arms, or your hips, or your thighs.
Your body will remove fat from areas at its own discretion.
The only way to reduce fat in these areas is with an all-encompassing approach.
You need to train hard often and consistently.
You need to dial in your nutrition and eat clean foods, and you need to spend time on your recovery making sure you are sleeping and taking care of your body.
That's just the truth.
So, if you've seen the misleading headlines and magazine articles that I have, and you've thought they sound too good to be true... THEY ARE!
Don't fall for these unachievable claims, and most importantly, don't blame yourself when you can't make it happen.