It is easy to place blame on yourself for sabotaging your own fitness, health, or happiness.
I know I’ve done it several times in my life.
This only results in feeling like junk about yourself, and likely leads to further self-destructive behaviour.
A much better way to view a “mistake” or “f*Ck up” is seeing the whole thing as a lesson.
When something goes wrong, or you find that you’ve made some decisions that aren’t in line with your overall fitness/health/personal goals, ask yourself two key questions:
1️⃣What did I do to attract this to myself?
2️⃣What am I supposed to learn from it?
These two questions automatically frame the situation not as something shameful or worthy of punishment….
….but instead an important lesson that is waiting to be realized.
A lesson that can be used for all future actions, decisions and situations.
A lesson that could very well help you become smarter, better, and more intuitive about yourself and your life.
❓Did you attract the situation to yourself because you set poor boundaries?
❓Did you allow stress to build up without any appropriate release?
❓Did you ignore your own emotional self-management or need to decompress?
❓Did you try to micromanage things out of your control, to no avail?
And what can you learn?
❓Did you learn that you need daily meditation?
❓Did you learn that someone/something is toxic to your happiness and life?
❓Did you learn that your default response to stress is destructive to your overall health and life?
❓Did you learn that you need to let go of things that you can’t control and focus on the things you can influence?
Once you have the answers to these questions, the insight you’ll gain provides you with GOLDEN NUGGETS of information that you’ll then use to avoid the same sabotaging situations over & over (and over and over and over) again.
- Coach Michelle