Finally, I decided to take my own advice and be a do-er.
Stop trying to find the perfect words, and just say it.
I’m sensing that a lot of people are really struggling emotionally … more so than at any point since the pandemic began.
I don’t know for sure why this is happening, but I have an educated guess.
You see, when our world shut down in March 2020 -- and, in places all across the country, remained shut down for months -- we had to shift into survival mode.
I often speak about the two states of being: Powerful (where we’re open to infinite intelligence and creativity) vs. Primal (fight-or-flight mode, where we’re just trying not to die).
There’s a reason we have the ability to activate fight-or-flight mode. It’s the human being’s defense mechanism. Let’s say your dog runs into the street and there’s a car coming. You need fight-or-flight mode to kick in so you can take action without spending hours contemplating what you should do.
I feel like fight-or-flight mode kicked in for a lot of us during the pandemic … and a lot of us are having trouble turning it off.
And it’s tiring … borderline debilitating, really.
Our bodies and minds are not built to spend a lot of time in a primal / stressful state.
The accumulation of all that stress can have devastating effects … not just on our bodies in the form of weight gain and other critical health markers, but on our minds as well.
We may have been able to put our heads down and power through the pandemic for a period of time.
But we can’t outrun this kind of stress indefinitely.
And I’m sensing that, for many of us, those bills are coming due.
So I want to say this: Whether you’re a current client, a former client, or simply a subscriber to this newsletter … If you're reading this, I consider myself your coach.
And I have a very unique role as such….
You see, like most of my colleagues, I’m educated and experienced when it comes to physical exercise and supportive nutrition…. But I’m also a licensed mental health professional… I’m an expert at the mental health side, too.
I understand how all of this is coming together to break down people’s bodies and minds ….
And my professional mission - to help people train their brains to improve their bodies and lives - has never been stronger than it is now.
Look, I’ll be honest… I’ve had a hard time with this, too.
I may take myself up on my own offer… which is:
If this is you … if you’re struggling … if you feel like you’re drowning in stress and no longer have the energy to power your way through it … please reach out to me.
Yes, I have the professional qualifications and certifications to help you through this… but what’s more than that- I’m here for you as a human, a mom, a spouse, a business owner, and another fellow person who has been walking through this 💩 storm right alongside you.
I’m happy to help in any way(s) that I can.
There, I said it.
I feel better already.
Remember: If you’re struggling with this, reach out ([email protected]) and I’ll do everything possible to help out.
- Coach Michelle
🎁P.S. I'd like to share a FREE copy of my book "Why The Gym Didn't Work For You" with you!🎁
Download a FREE digital copy here:
In the book "Why The Gym Didn't Work For You" I’ve shared why the typical path fails so many people, and how my "Train the Brain" approach can be the alternative that offers life-long results and success. I break it down so that you have essentially everything you need to know in order to finally break the yo-yo and embark on your unique, transformative experience.
Download a FREE digital copy here:
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