(If you missed that email, click HERE to read it.) Today, I’d like to share 10 Tips for Starting 2021 off right… because next year can be better, it just won’t happen automatically.
1. Take Stock of 2020
Take a look back at 2020, and assess what went well, what didn’t, and what you can improve on. Make sure you list out your accomplishments —and address shortcomings, so you know exactly what to do more of, and what NOT to repeat in 2021. (I’m a big fan of writing these with pen and paper, rather than just thinking about them or typing them).
2. Finish Last Year’s Goals
Have goals still lingering from 2020? Make sure you don’t abandon them! Knock them off your list first, before tackling your 2021 goals. This will give you a sense of accomplishment, and keep you motivated to reaching your goals in 2021.
3. Be Realistic
2021 offers a lot of promise. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. Be realistic with yourself—and your goals. Don’t set goals that you know will be (nearly) impossible given your life situation.
4. Figure Out What You Really Want Out of 2021
Knowing what you really want to accomplish in 2021 is very important for making it your best year ever. Setting goals just for the sake of setting them, or doing so because your friends/family are doing so won’t help you truly WIN and transform your life for the better. Make your goals as personal and realistic as possible, so that you have some “skin in the game” when it comes to achieving them.
5. Put Yourself First
Making your health a priority will make it easier to accomplish anything and everything else in life.. However, it may be easier to put your needs behind everyone else’s. In 2021, make your health the priority, and be sure you tell those around you so you can have the support you need to be successful. Remember: you can’t pour from an empty cup… when you’re at your best, you can be the best for those who depend on you.
6. Maintain Balance
Although you may have goals you want to accomplish, it’s important that you maintain some sort of balance in your life. Without balance, stress increases and you’ll find yourself putting the needs of others first, which prevents you from accomplishing what you want. Keep that balance in your life so you can reach your goals, while also meeting your life demands.
7. Embrace Failure
Along the way, you may fail. And that’s okay. Sometimes you need to fail in order to make huge leaps forward. Instead of letting failure get the best of you…embrace it, and let it be the best learning tool that life can give you.
8. Get Your Mindset Right
There will be a time when you feel like everything is against you. This is when you need to channel your best mindset to keep you on the path to success. Not only will this help you get past your failures, the right mindset will help you navigate the situations that could make it hard to accomplish your goals. With the right mindset, anything is possible.
9. Know Your Limitations
In order to be successful, you need to know your limitations. It doesn’t mean you stop pushing yourself to be better…it just means you push as hard as you can, without breaking. Once you know your limits, you can push yourself hard enough that you bend, but don’t break.
10. Dream Big
2021 can be a great year for you. So dream big. If you set your mind to something, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish.
I hope these 10 tips will help make 2021 your best year ever. Print these out as a reminder that you’ve got this. And there is nothing you can’t do. Here’s to a great 2021!
- Coach Michelle