They spend way too much time talking about what’s not working and what they dislike about themselves, their bodies, etc….and not enough about what they’d like to achieve.
So many people tell me with great conviction that they can’t stand the way their clothing fits or that they feel so “fat and out of shape,” but when I ask them to develop a specific goal, they can’t.
With that in mind, I wanted to give you a simple 7 step process my clients & I use to pursue goals:
1. We need to set goals that 'stretch' us but are attainable. If it's not realistic we won't be motivated but if it doesn't challenge us...we won't be inspired either.
2. We need specifics. Saying I want to lose weight is vague. Saying I want to go from a size 12 to a size 8 in the next year isn't.
3. We need deadlines. Same premise. If we want to see results, we need a finish line to avoid dragging it out forever. On the flip side, we can’t expect to hit certain markers overnight. The deadline has to fit the goal reasonably.
4. We need to actually want those things. Seems simple...but you'd be amazed at how many people set goals because someone told them that should be the goal or that's what they think they should do.
5. We need accountability. We always do better with it. We all know it. From having a training partner to using a coach or being part of a peer group.
6. We've got to break it down. Overwhelm kills progress. We do better when we have goals broken into smaller targets.
7. We get a prize 😁 We may not *need* this, but we always do a bit better when we have a reward for winning. And I’m not talking about giving yourself a “prize” of an ice cream sundae because you were “so good all week eating salad.” I’m talking about new workout clothes (or clothes in general!), sneakers, a weekend trip, massage, etc.
It's pretty simple, but this 7 step formula has proven successful time and time again...and it will for you too if you put it into action.
- Coach Michelle
🎁P.S. Get a FREE copy of my Protein Recipe Guide!🎁
These aren’t your typical “healthy recipes”… This recipe guide is loaded with 15 delicious, protein packed recipes that you’ll LOVE.
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