Are you a thermostat or are you a thermometer?
A question I often ask our members..
Both reflect the temperature, but...
A thermostat dictates the temperature,
A thermometer reacts to it.
Are you a leader that controls your environment, or are you someone who is always reacting and let everyone else dictate how you feel, what you think, and what you do?
Are you in control or are you allowing yourself to be controlled?
Are you the hero of your own story or the victim of the same tale?
If you've decided to live a fit & healthy life you made a decision to be the 'thermostat' , but if you're like many people, you've fallen into old habits of behaving like a 'thermometer' and simply reacting to the demands of your busy work schedule, the pressure of family & friends, and the false truth that there's just not enough time to be as fit & healthy as you'd like.
So here's my suggestion to you:
Invest just a moment.
Look in the mirror.
Take a deep breath and commit to being the thermostat and determining your own journey.
Then go on with your day - living that commitment.
- Coach Michelle