You need NOT to have phenomenal skills to succeed in life.
All you need is unbreakable, unwavering WILL.
It’s not how fast you finish the journey…. It’s not about being the 1st across the finish line…
It’s about getting there no matter what.
Look at anybody that’s #1 in their field:
- Michael Jordan
- Serena Williams
- Warren Buffet
- Oprah
- Albert Einstein
They all are the best at what they do. They’ve all accomplished things that nobody else has.
And it’s easy to think “well they’re special… I’d never be able to do that.”
NONE of these people were born with some magical power or skill.
They actually had average skill.
But they had PHENOMENAL WILL……
…. To never give up.
…. To keep going.
…. To learn more every day.
….To arrive early and stay late.
….To reach their dream and be the best NO MATTER WHAT.
And THAT is why they are who they are today.
The same applies for you.
You don’t need some extra special skill or trait to lose 25lbs… you just need to keep doing what it takes until you reach your goal.
You don’t need some Top Secret fitness or nutrition plan to look better in your clothes and feel more confident in your skin… you just need the inner drive, determination, and desire to make your goal happen. PERIOD.
STOP feeling sorry for yourself because you don’t have phenomenal skill and START sharpening your Mental Muscle so that you develop phenomenal will.