“Well I could run 3 miles a month ago, why am I struggling to make it a half mile now!?”
“My best friend and I used to talk every day and had a weekly lunch date, but these days we can’t seem to find 10 minutes to catch up on our week!”
“I used to be so organized, and now things have become so disheveled that I don’t even know where to begin.”
“I was eating clean, whole, healthy foods and then after that holiday weekend I couldn’t get away from the treats, desserts, and fast food.”
Those thoughts and questions swirl through our heads and before we know it, we have created an air of self-doubt and frustration. The routine/habit we once found to be a positive source of balance suddenly leaves a taste of resentment in our mouths. Sometimes, this results in giving up our efforts altogether.
Well, guess what?? Give yourself a break!!!! You can not expect to jump right back into your old routine without an adjustment period. It will take some time to remember old patterns, habits, and routines; more importantly, it takes time to remember WHY we held those routines close to begin with. What was the driving force behind the habit? What made it such a priority over other things in life? What was missing when this routine was gone from daily life? What do we hope to regain in life by bringing this habit back? Answering these questions helps us regain the FIRE inside and the flames of commitment, passion, and desire will burn strong again. This is what will get us through that adjustment period, when things aren’t exactly as we want them to be but are well on their way. That FIRE will carry us over that hump until our routine/habit/pattern is back and in full effect.
Nobody is perfect. We all fall off the saddle once and a while. I think its actually a good thing- it forces us to take inventory on the important things in our lives, and the reasons WHY we hold them to be important. Next time you have a moment where you realize “Wow, I haven’t _________ in so long!”, stop and think about what you’ve lost and gained. Get that FIRE back and make a promise to yourself that you will work HARD to get back in the saddle again.