The past week has been quite a whirlwind for me.
In short, I pretty much fell off track of my daily habits around exercise, nutrition, mindfulness, etc.
The longer version, though, I want to share with you today because I think it offers a valuable lesson.
(at least I learned a valuable lesson from the experience!)
Last Friday, our family was up and out of the house very early to head to NY for a funeral.
My best friend lost her father - a sweet and wonderful man whom I had the pleasure of knowing for nearly a decade - to a long battle with cancer.
After the funeral services, my wife, Jen, and I brought our son, Chase, back to the hotel for a nap (it had been a long day for him).
We noticed he had a fever. 103 to be exact.
He’s usually a VERY active child, and for the next 48 hours he just wanted to be held by Mama or Mommy, and didn’t want to eat much.
48 hours after he got sick, I would start to show the same symptoms and was down & out until yesterday (Thursday). I’m still not 100% better.
And, just to hold true to the “bad things happen in 3’s”, my laptop also died and I had to drag my sick butt to Apple and buy a new laptop.
Quite a lot to happen all in less than a week, right?!
The point of me telling you this is that the above events caused me to completely get out of my normal routine.
I haven’t worked out in over a week.
I haven’t had much of an appetite to eat anything.
I missed a few days of writing my daily gratitudes in the morning.
I missed a few days of working due to being laptop-less.
All of the usual things that create a sense of stability and routine for me were totally out of place…. Some of them still are.
But, one week in, I’m now starting to slowly get things back on track as I can, and as I feel able.
I know one thing for sure: I don’t want to go any longer with my routine so askew that it gives me a “boo boo belly.”
I want to share 5 tips that I use when trying to get back on track after I’ve fallen off…. Such as the past week, a vacation, a difficult stretch at work, or any other time frame that has pulled me away from my “norm.”
- List the parts that have gone askew: you need to know exactly what you’re trying to put back in place. Jotting these down, in order of importance, is helpful.
- Pick 1 to start with: select something that will be easier to put back in place. For me, this week, it was getting back into my office for 5 minutes each morning to write my gratitudes.
- Write notes and reminders…. And put them everywhere: getting out of a routine can suck you right down the rabbit hole of old behaviors. Don’t let it happen. Visual reminders of things that are important will help you execute
- Enlist a friend or coach: tell someone else that you’ve fallen off track & you’re trying to get back on. Ask for their help. If you know that someone else is holding you accountable, you’re more likely to get things done.
- Give it time: if you’ve been derailed for a week (such as I have), don’t expect to get fully back on track in 1 day. Give yourself about ½ the time you were derailed to get your $#it back together. For example, I should be back on track fully in the next 3.5 days.
NOBODY is immune from getting derailed or falling off track.
In fact, it’s one of the most common reasons people give up on their weight loss or other fitness goals.
Don’t give up on your goals, hopes, and dreams just because you’re human and you fell off track.
Use the above tips to help guide you right back on track, full steam ahead toward a better body and life than ever before!