But don’t take my word for it. Go ahead, look around… find the person in the gym who has the body you want….the person who is fit and strong, has plenty of energy, and appears confident in the way they carry themselves. Ask that person what they do to keep themselves looking that way. I guarantee you that their response will include both healthy eating and a serious workout regimen on a CONSISTENT basis. They do the REAL stuff that works- running, squats, lunges, planks, dead lifts, presses, flys, etc. They eat real, whole foods and steer clear of processed, preservative-laden junk. They do the stuff thats been around forever, because it WORKS. The stuff that takes more effort than just strapping on a pair of shoes to tone your booty, popping a pill or mixing a powder to suppress your appetite and prevent fat from entering your bloodstream, or using a “magic” piece of fitness equipment for 10 minutes per day.
Real effort produces real results. So that means, if you want to achieve your goals and make your body a healthy, fit, strong, confident entity, you’re gonna have to do the work too. Think about how much effort you put into other aspects of your life: your job, your relationships, your home. If you only showed up to work 2 days per week, what would happen? You’d probably get fired, and you sure wouldn’t get that raise you hoped for. What would happen if you only spoke with your significant other once a week for a few minutes? Well, I bet that relationship would go nowhere fast. The same applies to your fitness. You can not expect to put in minimal effort and get maximal results, it just won’t happen.
So, figure out exactly what it is you WANT…write it down…and then DO the real work required to get it. Get on the treadmill, hit the pavement, pick up a weight, get SWEATY!!!! Achieving it this way will taste so much sweeter!