And I honestly feel GREAT about being 30. With a half marathon freshly under my belt and plans for a triathlon and marathon in 2012, I have never felt more fit. I am able to wake up every day, look in the mirror and truly feel happy about where I am in life. As I reflect back on my 20′s, I see all the growth I did as a person. It was a decade of discovery; I discovered who I was, who I valued and wanted around in my life, what I wanted as a career, and I solidified my beliefs and values. I discovered parts of myself that had been dormant for the first two decades of my life. I developed relationships with people who would prove to be the best friends of my life. Discovery, however, also included disaster! I made mistakes, made choices that hurt myself and those that I love, and lost significant people in my life. The most profound and life changing lessons I learned happened through these mistakes. It is only now, looking back on it all, that I realize the enormous value these experiences had on my life and development as an adult.
After all my reflecting and thinking about my life up until this point as well as my future from this day forward, I can boil it down to one phrase: Faith not fear. I must never be afraid to act, I must never be afraid to make a mistake. Fear is my worst enemy and will be the only thing that holds me back from achieving all the hopes and dreams I have for myself. If I keep the phrase “Faith, not fear” in mind as often as possible, I know that my next 30 years will be even more fruitful and rewarding than the first. I will take chances, make decisions and do things that will take me far beyond my wildest dreams. I know from experience that mistakes happen and they are some of life’s greatest lessons. Instead of holding back for fear of making a mistake, I will act and welcome the possibility of any outcome. I look forward to each and every new experience of my 30′s. BRING IT ON!