"How can I find time to meal prep??"
"There's not a single extra minute in my day for self-care."
"I just don't have the time."
These are all REAL sentences that I have heard from clients that I've helped in the past decade.
Lack of time is the #1 reason reported when a person is asked why they haven't been successful at reaching their fitness or weight loss goals.
People believe that they are simply too busy.... cannot fit anything else in.... thus, the time required to exercise, eat well, engage in self-care, and sleep just doesn't fit into their already busy life.
I call BULL$#!T.
As far as I know, every single person on this planet gets the exact same amount of time each day.
24 hours. 1,440 minutes.
The successful people you know don't have some secret time machine whereby they create an extra hour or two for themselves to get more done.
They're just meticulously efficient with their time.
In order to be successful at reaching your fitness goals, you must be a master of your time.
Here are a few baseline things to understand:
A) You will never "find" the time to do anything... if it is that important to you, you will "make" the time.
B)Making time for something - if it is that high of a priority to you - is always possible. No matter how busy you are.
Ok go ahead and read A & B again.... really let those statements sink in. Because they are true, and 90% of people don't want to believe it.
If you want to make time for something - such as regular exercise, planning/eating healthy foods, self-care, or sleep here's how you do it:
1) TAKE NOTES: its all about understanding what you do with your 24 hours now. How many minutes per day are you scrolling through social media? Watching TV? Commuting to work? Playing with your kids? Keep a running log for a few days with your best approximations of how you spend your hours and minutes.
2) DECIDE WHAT TO NIX OR LESSEN: There are probably a few things on the list you created above that are not necessary parts of life.... and are things that you could omit completely or at least cut in half. And there are other things that are non-negotiable. For example: cutting from 2 hours of TV per day to 1 hour immediately frees up 1 hour of your time to exercise, meal plan, meditate, etc. Your work commute might be an hour but there's no real way to lessen that, so it must stay. Find 1-3 areas that you can reduce or omit time spent.
3) REALLOCATION TO THE RIGHT PLACE: Now, just because you cut your TV watching time from 2 hours to 1 hour, doesn't automatically mean that you're going to fill it with a workout or meal planning session. You must make SURE to allocate that time to the specific activity.. Write in your planner or schedule "6-7pm gym" or "12-1pm food shop and prep meals". Stick to these appointments with yourself in the way you would a meeting or lunch with friends.
Time is never going to drop into your lap. And if somehow an hour or two is "freed up" in your day, there's no guarantee that it'll go toward your fitness goals. Chances are, you'll fill it with other mindless stuff like scrolling through Facebook.
So if you're serious about making changes to your body & life but just feel a squeeze for time, ask yourself: how important is it to me that I make time for this activity? What am I willing to give up (or lessen) to make sure this happens?
If you need some support managing the time you devote to your health & fitness, I'd love to help... just email me[email protected] and let's chat.