Sure, there might be areas of your body that you'd like to improve on, but short of getting liposuction, there's NO WAY to remove fat from a specific area of your body.
Instead, focus on doing the following and fat will melt off of EVERY area of your body:
1) Clean up your diet. You might think you eat "healthy", but I promise there are always things you can do better.
2) Strength Training. You will not, I repeat, NOT, elliptical your way to the body you want. You must include resistance training; it is the cornerstone to fat loss.
3) Have a Plan & Stick To It. You need a plan that addresses the above two points and does so in a way that is unique to your needs/goals. Creating a plan gives you something to follow and increases your chance of success tenfold!!
If you’d like help creating a plan that fits you & your life, just email me: [email protected] and we can chat.
- Coach Michelle