Nobody becomes truly successful alone.
Becoming the best at anything takes a team of supporters, helpers, behind-the-scenes folks, and others.
In order to be the most fit and healthy you can be, you’ll need the help and support of family, friends, co-workers, a Coach, gym buddy, etc.
There will be times that you’ll lose sight of what’s important and you’ll want to give up, and your support network will be the ones to help you refocus and keep going.
As logical as this sounds, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched folks try to go through a transformation of body & life alone. It’s honestly heartbreaking to witness. They try to “figure out” which workouts are best for them & their goals by watching what others do at the gym or ripping a page out of Women’s Health / Men’s Health magazine. They spend hours Google’ing recipes and nutrition hacks, trying to sort the truth from the scams. They blame themselves and their “bad willpower” if they don’t achieve exactly what they (think they) want.
And, ultimately, after much frustration and upset, they give up….they give up thinking that it’s their own fault that they didn’t succeed.
The bottom line is this: you’ll need at least one other person- if not several others - on your team in order for you to achieve great success.
Instead of spending time trying to figure it all out on your own, spend your time hand-picking the best team you can. A team that supports you and roots for you. A team that will be there to celebrate your wins, and support you through your tough times.
- Coach Michelle