If Chase exhibits kindness, eats his vegetables, and listens appropriately, he gets to check the boxes for the day….and if he checks all the boxes, he has earned 1 hour of TV.
It dawned on me that this system would also be perfect for any adult who might be trying to improve their health and fitness. It really can be boiled down to these 3 same words….
KINDNESS: You will have slip-ups and mistakes along the way; be kind to yourself when they happen… no self-deprecating talk.
VEGETABLES: make sure they cover at least half your plate at each meal… the more colors, the better.
LISTENING: listen to your body when it’s tired and needs recovery…. Don’t push through pain or discomfort because you don’t want to miss a workout. AND, a surefire way to be successful is to listen to the guidance and advice of a good Coach.
Follow these 3 principles daily.
You could even make yourself a check box system, like we did with Chase, so you have a visual reminder….visual reminders are proven to yield a higher rate of success.
- Coach Michelle