DO NOT fear!!!! Even if you’re stuck at home from work/school/life and can’t get to the gym or training studio, this workout will be a success! You don’t need much beside your own body weight. For the things that require weights, use dumbbells if you have them…and if you don’t, its time to get creative. Use litre bottles of water, soup cans, your piggy bank, WHATEVER! The point is to get nice and sweaty!
MONSTER Monday Workout 10.22.12 aka “SWEATY Sandy”
Warm-up round
- foam roll
- walkouts/inchworms
- hip circles
5 rounds for time
- body weight squats x10
- renegade rows x10 [using dumbbells, soup cans, you can even just lift your arm up in a rowing motion]
- plank up/downs x10 [5 per arm]
- Supermans x10
- mountain climbers x10/leg
- Burpees x10
- Spidermans x10
- med ball slams x10 [if you don't have a med ball, you can omit this or sub with your favorite exercise]
- wall sit x10 seconds
- low plank x10 seconds
***If you are not familiar with any of the exercises, consult a certified professional before you attempt them! Adjust the length and intensity of this workout in accordance to your fitness level. You can decrease weight, or reps for any of the exercises. You can also modify body weight exercises. If you have questions, or would like to be put through this circuit by a certified personal trainer, email: [email protected]***
Try it out, and leave a COMMENT on the blog or Facebook page!! Don’t forget to check back every Monday for a new workout!