The one word we kept repeating during the workout: humbling. This workout was absolutely humbling to two people who consider themselves to be fit! We managed to give a smack down to every muscle group in approximately 18 hardcore minutes of working out. We did slightly deviate from the exact way Crossfit executes the workout. In true Crossfit format, one person performs all exercises in succession w/o stopping while their partner times them; we took turns on each exercise and timed each other. We also subbed out jumping pull-ups with body weight rows, skipped Burpees, and did box jumps w/step down. These things were all done to accommodate my ankle which I’m dutifully nursing back to health for my half marathon. Even with our substitutions and modifications, the workout was NO JOKE. We were exhausted at the end, and at the same time we felt GREAT. It was such a great sense of accomplishment!
Try it out for yourself and let me know what you think!!