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MONSTER Monday Workout 2.25.13: In Like a LION
- Foam Roll
- Hip Swings x20/leg
- Shoulder Rolls x10 fwd & 10
- Inchworms x10
- High Knees x20 seconds, 2 rounds
- Side shuffle with pop & reach x10
*The LION! Do 4 rounds for time
1. Body Weight Squats x25 (use a bench for accountability)
2. Push Ups x10 (to make it harder: use a medicine ball to offset pushups)
3. Walking Lunges x30 (to make it harder: carry a dumbbell or KB in one hand)
4. Pull Ups x5 (to make it easier: do inverted body weight rows)
*If you are not familiar with any of the exercises, consult a certified professional before you attempt them! Adjust the length and intensity of this workout in accordance to your fitness level. You can decrease weight, or reps for any of the exercises. You can also modify body weight exercises. If you have questions, or would like to be put through this circuit by a certified personal trainer, email: [email protected]