I appreciate all the kind words and condolences that I received from my clients, and the entire Lucky13Fitness community. For that, and for your understanding of the break in consistency on the website/FB page, I thank you. But, right back on schedule, without further ado, I present to you this week’s workout!
MONSTER Monday Workout 12.17.12: The “Unsexy” stuff
Today I spent an HOUR…yes an entire HOUR foam rolling, stretching, and doing mobility work. It was what my body needed after a road race yesterday and nearly a week of sitting, driving, and getting minimal exercise. Stretching, soft tissue work & mobility work are NOT my favorite things to do… i call them the “unsexy” stuff. But they are INCREDIBLY necessary and can not be ignored in a fitness program. Lack of attention to the “unsexy” stuff will eventually prevent you from doing any of your preferred lifts, cardio, etc.
To get a decent stretch, you can take a yoga class, hire a trainer to stretch you, or just sit in a room and do it yourself. Here’s a list of the things I did today:
- Foam Roll each major muscle group
- Medicine ball soft tissue work on glutes, hamstrings
- Arm circles
- Shoulder rolls
- PNF stretching using a Superband: calves, hamstrings, hips
- Wall slides for shoulder mobility
- Walking lunges with T-Spine mobility
- T-Spine rotation with TRX
- Ankle mobility against wall
- Hip flexor stretch up against wall
- Modified Pigeon pose
- Calf Stretch on Pro-Stretch
I performed each of these stretches a few times and went slowly with them. The object is to get your muscles warm and ready by foam rolling and doing dynamic movements, and then segue into static (stretch and hold) stretches.
***If you are not familiar with any of the exercises, consult a certified professional before you attempt them! Adjust the length and intensity of this workout in accordance to your fitness level. You can decrease weight, or reps for any of the exercises. You can also modify body weight exercises. If you have questions, or would like to be put through this circuit by a certified personal trainer, email: [email protected]***
Try it out, and leave a COMMENT on the blog or Facebook page!! Don’t forget to check back every Monday for a new workout!