BUT let’s use our free time and/or anger and put it to GOOD use by tearing it up at the gym today with this MONSTER Monday workout!!!!
IF you do not have access to a TRX or are unable to come up with your own substitute exercises, come on in to the Lucky13Fitness studio to work out!! There truly is no perfect substitution for TRX- its “all core, all the time” and it is the only workout tool that lets the user modify the intensity at ANY/ALL times!
MONSTER Monday Workout 1.14.13: TRX = Love!
- Foam Roll
- TRX mobility and active stretching
4 Rounds for Time
- Plank up/downs x20
- TRX Chest Press x10
- TRX bridge & Row x15
- PARTNER Drill: Dumbbell shoulder press x10 (#15) / Dumbbell external rotation (#10) –> (person doing shoulder press keeps count, then partners switch)
Then we worked on our Olympic lifting and did cleans from an elevated start height:
65lbs for 5 reps x 4 rounds