Here’s this week’s MONSTER Monday Workout… I did this lift with Jen yesterday (Sunday) and let me tell you- my back is SOREEEEE in all the right ways today! Try it out and let me know how it goes!!!
MONSTER Monday Workout 1.14.13: Upper Body BlastWarm-Up
- Foam Roll
- Walkouts x10
- Hip Swings x15/leg
- Shoulder circles x20 fwd, x20 reverse
5 Rounds for Time
- 20 med ball slams (#12)
- 10 diagonal pushups (pushup then into side plank w/ feet staggered)
- crabwalk (length of the studio and back)
- 10 TRX rows (low/medium/high)
- PARTNER Drill: 10 TRX atomic pushups / TRX bicep clutch (person doing pushups keeps count til 10, then partners switch)
- 10 overhead press (#45 bar)