Here is a post for you to add to your routine, just in case it needs a lil’ boost!
Try it out and post your feedback!!
MONSTER Monday Workout 10.28.13: Swift Kick in the A$$!
Warm Up
- Foam Roll
- Wall Angels (shoulder mobility) x10
- Glute Bridges x20
- Greatest Stretch Ever x8
THE WORKOUT[do all 4 exercises w/o rest as quickly as possible WITHOUT resorting to bad form. Do 3-5 rounds]
1) Glute Bridges from Bench x20 [add a barbell or plate for more resistance]
2) Alternating Single Arm Incline DB Press x 12-15 per arm
3) KB Swings x 25
4) Unstable Push-Ups x10 [one arm on med ball or step]
If you’d like assistance creating a custom workout, contact Lucky13Fitness!! Visit for details or email [email protected] today.
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*If you are not familiar with any of the exercises, consult a certified professional before you attempt them! Adjust the length and intensity of this workout in accordance to your fitness level. You can decrease weight, or reps for any of the exercises. You can also modify body weight exercises. If you have questions, or would like to be put through this circuit by a certified personal trainer, email: [email protected]