If you’re discovering this blog for the first time, this weekly post is one that I put up for all my clients and Lucky13er’s to try out for themselves. I have created the concept of MONSTER Mondays as a way to combat the usual dread of the start to the work week. It is usually the day that people miss a workout, drag along all day, and maybe make unhealthy choices. My hope is to reverse that trend by getting the BIGGEST AND BEST sweatfest of the week on Monday. Starting the week with a MONSTER of a workout sets a tone of success and positivity for the rest of the week!
Try this one out and let me know how it goes!!
MONSTER Monday Workout 11.12.12
Circuit 1
Run 1 mile OR cycle on spin bike for approx 8-10min
AMRAP 10 mins (as many rounds as possible)
-Body weight squats x15
-KB Dead lifts x10
-Push-ups x10
-Pull-ups x5
Run 1 mile OR cycle on spin bike for approx 8-10min
Circuit 2
3 Rounds
-TRX tricep extension x10
-TRX Row x12
-TRX hi/low row x12
***If you are not familiar with any of the exercises, consult a certified professional before you attempt them! Adjust the length and intensity of this workout in accordance to your fitness level. You can decrease weight, or reps for any of the exercises. You can also modify body weight exercises. If you have questions, or would like to be put through this circuit by a certified personal trainer, email: [email protected]***
Try it out, and leave a COMMENT on the blog or Facebook page!! Don’t forget to check back every Monday for a new workout!