Well, you can.
Actually, a recent study from the University of Texas at Austin showed that all-out exercise for 4 seconds at a time can significantly improve cardiovascular fitness and build muscle mass.
Four seconds!
Well, there’s another study recently published in Sports Medicine that supports the validity of “Newbie Gains.”
This is the phenomenon that happens when an inactive person starts lifting weights for the first time.
According to the study, “The average beginner weightlifter tacks on about four to seven pounds of extra muscle over their first three months of lifting. Meanwhile … over your first full year of weightlifting, you can expect to burn anywhere from 12-24% body fat while adding somewhere between 10 and 25 pounds of extra lean muscle.”
That’s big.
So if you’ve ever thought any of the following:
❌ Weightlifting is too intense
❌ It’s too much for me
❌ It’s dangerous
❌ It’s overkill
❌ It’s not necessary … why not just burn some calories on the treadmill
Think again …
Weightlifting is the most effective fat-loss and muscle-gain strategy known to humankind … and the science backs it up.
And this is especially true for people who are new to weightlifting.
Something to think about if you’re thinking about starting a weightlifting program, or adding more weightlifting to your current workout routine.
- Coach Michelle
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