“I had to work late”
“I forgot my sneakers at home”
“I’ve had the worst day”
“My gym buddy isn’t going, so I’m not going either”
“I’m tired”
“I don’t have time”
We’ve all uttered at least one of the above comments at some point. I’ve heard each of these phrases as well as countless other variations as “reasons” not to work out, be active or eat healthy foods. I use the word “Reason” in quotes on purpose. These are not reasons, they are EXCUSES. They are excuses that people give me and themselves so that they don’t feel guilty for not working out or hitting their daily goal. I know this sounds very harsh but we all need to hear it from time to time. A great majority of us need to be reminded that excuses don’t produce results; they don’t burn fat, they don’t increase lean muscle mass, they don’t make you stronger, faster, healthier or better in ANY way. They do one thing and one thing only: excuses attempt to assuage guilt. If we felt that there was no good reason to skip a workout or not achieve our daily goal, we would likely be racked with guilt. However, if we can pin the blame on something (or someone) else, we no longer carry the guilt. We can sit at home watching tv, or at the bar with our friends without feeling bad at all.
My challenge for you this week is simple. Do NOT give in to excuses. If you find yourself talking your way out of commitment to a goal or healthy habit, stop and refocus. Remind yourself that excuses do not produce results. Hard work and consistency are the keys to success. Hold yourself accountable this week- make sure you push past the urge to create excuses- and see to it that you reach the Finish. Nike was on to something when they created the slogan “Just Do It”. Don’t let anything get in the way, don’t let anyone or anything else prevent you from reaching the goals you’ve set. Plow through roadblocks and obstacles with tenacity and don’t stop until you’ve tasted success. NO EXCUSES.