We all have time … it’s just a matter of how we choose to spend it. This can be broken down into two factors: 1) Time Management; and 2) Mindset.
Let’s tackle mindset first.
First, we need to acknowledge that most limiting beliefs aren’t true; they’re just a story we tell ourselves to justify not doing something we don’t want to do, and/or to make excuses for why we didn’t succeed in the pursuit of a goal.
If we tell ourselves at the outset that we don’t have enough time to exercise and eat healthy, then we’ve established a limiting belief that is going to guide our actions (or inactions).
The first thing we need to do is re-program our brain with a new decision. It’s always best to start small: “I believe that I have enough time to exercise 3 times a week and pack a healthy lunch to bring with me to work on the other 2 days.”
The second aspect is time management … or how we use time. If we never seem to have enough time to do the things we “have to do,” then maybe we should be doing fewer things.
It’s also how we view the time that’s required for exercise. Not every workout will be the “perfect” 60 minute uninterrupted window.
If you get home late from work and can’t get to the gym or do a full-blown home workout, do some squats and pushups for 10 minutes before dinner. If you’re working from home and have a big deadline, do walking lunges to and from the bathroom or kitchen when you take breaks. While you’re on a conference call, you could multitask by chopping and seasoning some veggies for dinner.
I do this all the time. I take coaching calls while riding on my bike trainer, or while making lunch for my daughter. I film short videos for our clients while on my drive home from dropping my son off at school. Use the time you have - even if in small chunks - to get things done. Do not wait for the “perfect” opportunity or setup.
Resetting your mindset and breaking your exercise and meal-prep into smaller, more manageable tasks is a great way to free up time that you thought you didn’t have.
Let’s be honest, we ALL could be a bit more productive if we took all the 5-15 minute windows that we spend scrolling through social media every day & put them to better use!
What’s the biggest obstacle standing in your way when it comes to making time for exercise and healthy eating? Shoot me an email ([email protected]) I’d love to help you brainstorm some solutions.
- Coach Michelle