All in all, I am VERY satisfied with the Paleo Diet. I plan on continuing this lifestyle even after Lent is over. For me, it has worked great. I can honestly say that I feel the fittest, strongest, and BEST I have in my life. My skin is clear, my energy is up, my workouts are stellar & I’m ready to take on the challenge of triathlon season!! Now, let me say that the key parts of the above sentence are the words “For me”. I know that the Paleo Diet works for me because I have tried it and have felt the results. That being said, I still stand by the notion that nothing is for everyone. No single workout, diet, approach, plan or lifestyle will work for everybody. It just won’t. While the Paleo Diet has been a tremendous success for me, it has turned out to be just the opposite for others.
My sister, Jessie, has found this out the hard way. With her sister and boyfriend totally immersed in the Paleo Lifestyle, Jessie gladly jumped on board and tried experimental dinners, snacks, and other Paleo recipes. She made the switch from skim milk to almond milk, started eating more nuts and fruits for snack, cut back on cereal and bread & was always up for Paleo pizza as a Friday night treat. What also happened during this time was that Jessie was having stomach issues which grew in severity. She originally thought she ate something at a party that disagreed with her but the symptoms lingered a little too long. She couldn’t figure it out; she was hydrated, eating all the same foods I ate, and took her daily vitamins and probiotic pills. The symptoms continued for a month or so, sometimes getting a bit better but worsening at other times. Finally, Jessie went to the doctor and had a CT scan of her stomach. She was diagnosed with Diverticulosis. Her doctor told her that she must avoid nuts and nut butters [SO much of Paleo Diet has to do with these things] and eat a high-fiber, low-fat diet. Turns out the Paleo Diet was making her sick; she is a perfect example of someone who does NOT do well on this particular diet.
There are many exceptions such as this for any fitness program, diet or workout there is out there. Just because it works for your friends, colleagues, family members or the folks you see on TV, does NOT mean it will work similarly for you. When starting something new- diet, exercise or otherwise- make sure to read, research and educate yourself on it as much as possible. Talk to your doctor about the changes you are considering, especially if you have a medical history that is significant of anything which might be affected. When you DO make significant changes to your workout and/or diet, be aware of how your body reacts. Do you feel ill, run down, bloated, uncomfortable, sluggish, or unfocused? Or do you feel energetic, strong, and healthy? Are you able to sleep? Is your skin clear or blemished? Your body has many ways of telling you whether or not you’re putting the right things into it. Pay close attention. And remember: nothing is for everybody; find the blueprint that is right for YOU!