Yesterday I had one of “those days”. The kind of day where you just feel “off”; you’re not yourself and you can’t shake the negative energy. Despite sticking to my Monday Makeover of getting 7.5-8hrs of sleep per night for the past week and a half, I felt tired. Not so much physically tired, but mentally and emotionally tired. Nothing tragic or horrible happened, I simply did not feel like myself.
I just couldn’t ignore the feelings of crankiness and exhaustion; I couldn’t shake the funk. It was effortful to smile, to put on a happy face & all I wanted to do is sleep. I made plans with a friend to attend my first Bikram Yoga class, and I had been looking forward to it for a long time. I am not one to break plans and hate going back on my word, but I had to bow out [sorry H$, thanks for being understanding...i love you]
Sounds horrible, right?? I realized that it’s not so bad. After discussing my mood with a few close friends I realized a possible cause of this funk. I needed some “me” time. I spend so much time doing other things and rarely take down time for myself. I don’t particularly like watching TV and get antsy when I have to sit still for long periods of time. I like moving, playing, exercising & being active. I consider all of these things to be cathartic for me, and they work 95% of the time. But in that other 5%, I now realize that I need to do something else. I need to do nothing! I need to learn how to relax and not feel guilty for being “lazy”. I am only human and can’t be expected to be “on” all the time. Last night I enjoyed an evening of being “off”. I stayed off the computer, off my phone, off of work; I simply disconnected. I watched 2 DVD’s worth of Will & Grace episodes, enjoyed a glass of half Pinot Noir & half Seltzer water, laughed & relaxed. I got to bed early and woke up this morning feeling much better.
It’s amazing that a little R&R can take the funk away! No more cranky mood, no more exhaustion. I am now ready for a lovely weekend ahead!!
How about you? Do you ever get into a funk? Ever have one of “those days”?? How do you shake it?