I do a lot of Coaching with people of all different backgrounds, life stories, and situations.
No two people have the same roots or the same journey.
Much of my Coaching for fitness and weight loss becomes connected to the belief system a person has developed in their childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood.
When those beliefs are self-limiting, it can be awfully hard for a person to see another path.
It can be nearly impossible for someone who believes that they are a “failure” or that they “come from a family with bad genes” or they “will never be able to do _____” to change the story they tell themselves about themselves.
But it is possible.
No matter your roots… no matter what life you came from…. No matter who treated you poorly in the past… no matter how unfairly life has been….
Every single day you have a CHOICE.
The power of choice is one of the most miraculous things in the universe.
Choice allows people to disconnect from what once was, and move into what they want to create.
Choice gives us the power to write the next chapter of our lives, no matter who might have ruined the previous chapters.
YOU have the power to choose….
You have the choice to be a victim or a survivor.
You have the choice to show up or give up.
You have the choice to make something more of yourself.
And you have that choice every single day.
Even if one day goes awry…. Guess what?
You’ll wake up the next day with another chance to make a choice.
Keep making the best choices every day, and you’ll build a life more satisfying than your wildest dreams.