This type of situation can cause many folks to veer totally off track from their fitness/nutrition plan and go on a downward spiral back to bad, unhealthy habits. While its going well, people are able to move forward in their progress and slowly head toward their goals. But often a slip up (especially with food/nutrition) can awaken old neuropathways in the brain that say “YES! I haven’t had this feeling in forever!!!! You’ve deprived me for so long. MORE please! I want MORE of that sweet, sugary, yumminess!!!!!” And it is HARD to quiet those cravings all over again.
So, if you fear that yesterday was one of those days that is threatening to take you off track, here are some tips to help keep you focused ahead:
1) GET RID OF THE CANDY!!!!!!! I don’t care if you didn’t have as many trick-or-treaters as you anticipated, or if people gave you some at the office… throw it away. It is NOT a waste. It is quite the opposite. If it’s there, you’ll eat it. Put it in the trash. Now.
2) Fill your kitchen with HEALTHY treats. If the sweet tooth strikes today, say around 3pm, meet it with a healthy alternative. Apples, berries or tea with a teaspoon of honey are all healthy and REAL types of sugar that will satisfy this craving.
3) Drink LOTS of water. Flush out what you put in your system yesterday. And when you get a craving to eat something sweet, have some flavored seltzer water or herbal tea instead.
4) Get back into your exercise routine. If you skipped the gym yesterday to hand out candy or go out and celebrate, make sure you get back into your routine today. Getting a good sweat with a great workout will light up different neuropathways in your brain that will say “THIS is what makes me feel good. This is how I like to de-stress and feel better. I crave healthy, delicious foods that will fuel my body!!”
5) Take a look at your goals. Find that old piece of paper at your desk, or document on your computer where you listed your goals and why you wanted to achieve them. Give yourself a reminder that you want something for your body and brain that is worth much more than any amount of Reese’s pieces, Snickers or Mallomars (does anyone eat those anymore???).
There are 364 days left until next Halloween…the candy binge is behind you so leave it there in the past. Focus forward and get back to your healthy habits!
And if you need a little extra BOOST getting to your goals, Lucky13Fitness is HAPPPPPY to help! Contact me: [email protected]