A single phrase- made up of just a few words - that gives us permission to give up on ourselves when it counts most.
It’s the phrase that is holding you back from transforming your body and life to the next level..
It’s the phrase “I’ll try.”
To borrow from wise Yoda: DO, OR DO NOT. THERE IS NO TRY.
When you are on a journey to make changes to your body & life, there are many new and different things you’ll have to do.
Things like drink ½ of your body weight in ounces of water per day, eat a serving of fruit or veggies at every meal, exercise 3-5 times per week, meditate daily, acknowledge gratitudes, etc.
If you frame things as “well, I’ll try”, you are already giving yourself permission to give up.
You are already planting the seed in your own head that you’re not capable, or good enough to make these things happen.
You are feeding your self-doubt, which only slows down and even paralyzes your attempts to become a better person, inside and out.
You are giving yourself the “out” because saying “I’ll try” means you never fully committed to doing it in the first place.
Instead, reframe how you think and speak, as it relates to things that are new & challenging.
Don’t put yourself up against an enormous challenge and then say you’ll try to get it done.
Insead, choose less aggressive challenges that you can confidently accept.
Instead of saying “I’m going to try to get to bed earlier”, say “I am going to be in bed by 9:30 pm each night.”
Instead of thinking “I’ll try and exercise every day this week”, say “I am going to exercise 3 times this week, and if I get more than it’ll be a nice bonus.”
Stop undercutting your own ability to take action and change the course of your life.
You DO have the power to make better choices.
You DO have the ability to take small actions daily to become 1% better.
You DESERVE to make a full-fledged commitment to your own transformation.
Stop trying and start DOING!