I sometimes hear from great clients who’ve gotten amazing results that they’re going to be “taking a break” from the gym.
Today, I want to talk about why this is a bad idea.
Life doesn’t have a pause button. When things get busy or hectic, it’s our job to navigate it and do more with less.
So maybe it’s a busy time at work, or you’re traveling, or you’ve got a lot of responsibilities with the kids.
If we’re “taking a break” from something because we’re “too busy,” what we’re really saying is that we don’t value it and aren’t willing to prioritize it.
Let’s be honest … isn’t “taking a break” just a euphemism for quitting?
Nobody wants to be a quitter. “Taking a break” sounds so much better.
I’d say 9 times out of 10, the excuse I get when someone says they need to “take a break” is, “I don’t have time.”
And that’s B.S.
We all have time. You’ve just decided that something else is more important than taking care of your health.
Now, I’m not naive. I realize our schedules ebb and flow with the seasons and certain times are busier than others.
But we shouldn’t just stop taking care of ourselves every time things get a little crazy.
If we hit a rough patch where training in-person is a stretch, making the adjustment to one in-person session plus a couple of virtual sessions is a great option.
Using the time to focus on nutrition, drinking more water, or getting more sleep would be helpful, too.
But “taking a break” … which is just a nice way of saying you’re quitting?
I’m sorry, that’s not what successful people do.
We all choose how we spend our time. Choose wisely.
- Coach Michelle
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