Here’s a little synopsis of how my week was, with some visual support:
You know what’s NOT an environment most conducive to channeling the pump-me-up-to-spin-hard-and-get-sweaty vibe??? Having to log cycling hours in a spin studio that’s nearly empty. The redeeming factor in the above photo is that blonde woman sitting on the bike next to me, pedaling away right alongside me [thanks, sweetie! ]. Jen and I have crazy schedules, and we rarely can make it to a scheduled spin class. So, we head into the gym during off-peak hours to log our cycling time. I can’t WAIT until its nice enough out to ride outside!!! No offense to the BSC Watertown spin studio!
Lucky for me, my best bud Paige teaches a spin class on Tuesday nights at Beacon Hill Athletic Club (my old place of employment, Woop Woop!) and I was able to join her for class last week. Let me say, this was 1,000% better than trying to motivate myself on a bike. Her music was AMAZING and her energy was infectious. Jen and I got off the bikes sweaty, hungry for dinner, and completely thrilled! Thank you Paigey- we will be there again tomorrow night!
The room got so sweaty in class that we managed to fog up alllllll the windows. Then we put a message up on the windows so everyone in Brighton Center knew how we felt about class. You can see it behind Paige and me in our photo. The picture above is hard to see, but it says “I <3 spin with Paige!”. The street lights in the parking lot below reflected the words from the window onto the wall. It was really cool! I hope you can see it- if not, use your most creative imagination!
Historically, swimming has been the weakest of the 3 disciplines for me, and I have never looked forward to getting in the water. Entering my 3rd triathlon season, I am finally starting to come around with this; once I’m actually in the water, I enjoy swimming- it’s just the getting IN there that I have a hard time with. On a cold, windy, snowy day, it takes all the self-discipline in the world to get in a pool.
This week I had the opportunity to go to an off-site pool and swim in a bit of a different environment- a salt water pool-which made it a bit more fun. :-)
Next week’s challenge: I haven’t strength trained in WEEKS, and my body feels a bit funny as a result. For week 3, I am going to try and incorporate more stretching/mobility as well as some appropriate strength training. In fact, I am off to go do exactly that right now!!!
Please feel free to comment and share stories about your training as well! Pose questions, leave feedback, etc. I would love hearing from you!