I have never known this to be more true than in the past year... I've taken a DEEP dive into personal development, mastering my mindset and creating my own successes, no matter what the outside world has thrown my way.
It might sound a little woo-woo or hokey to you, but I am telling you with 1000% certainty that your belief system is the #1 thing responsible for your outcomes.
If you’ve always believed you’re fat, or incapable of weight loss, that will be your outcome.
If you grew up learning that it was too expensive to eat healthy and junk was all you could afford, that will be the belief you carry forward.
If you want to make changes in your body and your life, you will have to change your beliefs first.
Your beliefs also dictate what you pay attention to.
Have you ever heard a song for the first time that you’ve NEVER heard before… and then, all of a sudden, you hear it everywhere you go- on the radio, in a TV commercial, on the music system at the mall.
This is because your brain wasn’t “tuned into” the song before you were first introduced to it, so you never paid attention.
Now, you are “Tuned in” and hear it all the time.
In the same way, some people aren’t “tuned in” to health, fitness, and wellness.
The beliefs that you developed in your earliest years may not have "tuned you in" to the habits and behaviors that will lead to actually being able to lose weight, become fit, and live a life that makes you happy & fulfilled.
Instead, they made you believe that you will "always be fat" or "never be able to lose weight."
In order to finally shed the pounds that keep yo-yo’ing, and finally feel and look happy and healthy, you must work on training your brain to change your beliefs.
Developing a belief system that is supportive of your goals is the only way to find success.
Now, I'm not saying that you can just *think* about losing weight, and 20lbs will come off just like that.
What I am saying is that working toward changing what you believe to be true about yourself, and what you're capable of is CRITICAL if you really want to see change happen.
Where should you start?
- Tell yourself 1 positive thing every day.
- Look in the mirror and compliment yourself.
- Sign up for a daily email to be delivered to your Inbox that has a positive affirmation... read it to yourself several times a day.
- Get a daily desk calendar that has new messages of positivity to read each day.
- Read a book or listen to a podcast on self-improvement.
These small steps will help to build a different set of beliefs... beliefs that are more in line with the goals you want to accomplish.
No, it won't happen overnight... but I can personally attest to the fact that the more consistent you are with this, the more powerful the results will be.
And, if you need help or support in creating these new beliefs, I'd love to help. Simply comment below, and we can set up a Complimentary 30 minute call.