Most people come in with the goal of "I want to lose X lbs and my goal is to weigh X lbs."
I'm all for people having goals that they WANT and that they're invested in, but this specific type of goal - wanting to weigh X lbs - is problematic.
Let me explain why with an example:
A woman who currently weighs 150lbs has the goal of weighing 125lbs.
In other words, she will consider herself to be successful when the scale reads 125lbs.
The problem is this: 125lbs looks VERY different from person to person.
Does this woman want to be a 125lb person with 15% body fat, a toned appearance, and who looks great in her clothes?
Does this woman want to be a 125lb person with 40% body fat, zero muscle tone, and who doesn't fit comfortably in her clothes?
Remember: both weigh 125lbs. In theory, either one should be satisfactory since her only goal was to reach that scale weight.
But I'll bet that this woman would NOT be satisfied with her outcome if she got the latter.
BOTTOM LINE: a number on the scale, in and of itself, is only part of the equation.
Develop a goal that goes beyond a # on the scale to include other metrics such as
- body fat %
- measures of strength (EX: be able to do a push-up, or pull-up; deadlift or squat a certain weight)
- clothing size
- lower cholesterol, blood pressure, or blood sugar
And, if you would like some help developing a well-rounded goal that is achievable and that matches the picture you have in your head, simply reply to this email and let's chat.