We spent a lot of time outdoors walking, hiking, and enjoying the gorgeous scenery.
The most memorable part of the trip was a hike we did called Bubbles Nubble… a 3ish mile loop that had 3 peaks and provided AMAZING views. [check out the photos]
It was memorable for 2 reasons:
Chase (our 3 year old son) hiked the entire thing on his own… including some pretty tricky scrambles up granite rock. We are pretty damn proud of him.
The second reason was the inspiration for this email:
It served as a reminder that in a world that seems to be dominated by COVID, political divisiveness, rioting, racism, and more dark shit…. Beauty is around us, EVERYWHERE, all the time. We just need to know where to look for it.
If the only place you look is on your social media feed and TV, you’re not going to find much beauty.
Good news doesn’t sell. Get mired in the negative stuff and you’d actually start to believe that the world is a horrible and depressing place. And those feelings can cause you to act in ways that sabotage your health, fitness, and wellbeing. But this belief that the world is a horrible depressing place couldn’t be more further from the truth.
Standing at the top of North Bubble, looking out into Jordan Pond and Eagle Lake, I felt the magnitude of the Earth’s beauty and wonder. I felt so small… and engulfed by a world so large, so majestic, and SO able to withstand the bad news of the day. It was the most comforting thing I've felt in a while.
Nature is a powerful antidepressant, and if you’ve been feeling at all down lately, I strongly recommend you get lost in the woods for a little while and be reminded that beauty is all around you.
- Coach Michelle