In case you need a refresher, ideal whole-food proteins include grass-fed beef, free-range chicken and eggs, wild caught salmon, and other unprocessed, good-sourced meats, poultry, and fish.
The two biggest issues that I’ve seen with my clients over the years when it comes to protein are:
- Convenience - you have to meal prep
- Being able to eat enough - a lot of clients just have a hard time consuming the ideal amount of protein
However, there’s a BIG PROBLEM with them!
Most bars and powders are poorly made with low-quality ingredients and loads of unwanted, often unpronounceable ingredients.
Not a good combination.
That’s why I’m super-excited about the new protein we’re fortunate enough to be carrying at Lucky13Fitness!
Eniva Health’s Clean & Natural Whey Protein is exactly what it says…
- Grass Fed
- Non GMO
- No Artificial Colors or Flavors
- Hormone Free
- Antibiotic Free
- Soy Free
- 99% Lactose Free - yes, people who can’t use other whey proteins do great with this one!! I'm a prime example!!
- Cold Processed
And, if all that wasn’t enough, check out the ingredient list:
Note: There are ONLY 4 INGREDIENTS!!!! This is so rare and so exceptionally great!!!!
- Whey protein isolates - the best, fast-acting whey protein
- Vanilla bean - real vanilla flavoring
- Stevia (plant leaf) - a small amount for a hint of sweetness
- Sunflower plant lecithin - instead of soy and various gums
This is a protein I’m PROUD to carry.
Getting your daily dose of protein will no longer be a challenge for our clients and friends at Lucky13Fitness. :-)
By the way, we typically recommend our female clients eat 100 - 120 grams of protein per day and our male clients to eat 140 - 160+ grams per day divided over 4 meals.
Everyone can easily get their daily dose of protein with 2 - 3 balanced meals and 1 - 2 servings of Eniva Clean & Natural Whey Protein. Easy-peasy. :-)
FYI, the Eniva Protein will be part of our new Starter Kit and will also be sold separately to continue use afterwards and/or to provide additional protein support to you and your family.