Heck, that's our primary reason for working out and "doing all the things" - we're not doing them for beach bodies! 😉
Since March, we've been preaching about keeping your immune system strong to reduce your risk.
While some people who "do all the things" have gotten sick, it's not as common. Most people who are affected have had previous conditions and just don't take great care of themselves.
We must focus on good nutrition, getting plenty of rest, performing regular exercise, managing stress, and taking efficacious supplements.
We believe Vitamin D should be near the top of the supplement list. We put Vibe at the tip-top.
There have been several reports over the last few months regarding the use of Vitamin D. Even Dr. Fauci finally agreed.
And, here's something I recently read from Harvard Medicine:
There is some evidence to suggest that vitamin D might help protect against becoming infected with, and developing serious symptoms of, [C-19]. We know, for example, that people with low vitamin D levels may be more susceptible to upper respiratory tract infections. One meta-analysis found that people who took vitamin D supplements, particularly those who had low vitamin D levels, were less likely to develop acute respiratory tract infections than those who didn't.
Vitamin D may protect against [C-19] in two ways. First, it may help boost our bodies' natural defense against viruses and bacteria. Second, it may help prevent an exaggerated inflammatory response, which has been shown to contribute to severe illness in some people with [C-19].
We all know that our bodies make Vitamin D when we get sun exposure. We also can get Vitamin D from foods such as fatty fish and egg yolks.
However, the number of people with Vitamin D deficiency is pretty high...
My Minnesota friends will be interested to know - a winter study of Allina employees found 60 percent had low Vitamin D levels, 30 percent were very low and 6 percent were profoundly low.
As a matter of fact, people who live at latitudes above 37 degrees north (the shaded area in the image below) make little, if any, vitamin D from the sun for nearly half the year in (our fall and winter months). Other than the season, factors that influence synthesis and UV exposure include the length of the day, cloud cover, smog, skin melanin content, pollution, and sunscreen.
That's why we take supplemental Vitamin D.
It's no coincidence that, with the change of the season (here comes "flu season") that Eniva Health is promoting their Liquid Vitamin D this month...
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Let me know if you have any questions.
- Coach Michelle