them happier.
This is usually the rationale:
Once upon a time you weighed X.... it was 10 years ago and at the time you loved your life and yourself. You loved the way you looked in all
of your clothes, and you felt confident in everything you did. It was a GREAT period in your life.
Fast forward 10 years and now you weigh 20lbs more. You believe that if you could only get back to X weight, then along with it would come the
sense of happiness and confidence you once had.
But, will it make you happy? Really?
What happens if you only lose 19lbs? Or 18lbs?
Will none of the happiness, confidence and/or love of life come with it?
I know it's a bold statement, but I truly believe that for most people, weight loss does not equal happiness.
Or, shall I say: weight loss does not guarantee happiness.
So, why not go on a quest to become happy instead of a quest to lose X lbs?
Why not focus on building a life full of the things that make you feel happy, confident, content, and full rather than starving yourself and
punishing yourself until you hit some arbitrary number on the scale?
If you put all of your efforts into building simple, effective habits that yield a life that makes you happy, being at your ideal weight and
fitness level will happen as a result.
The two go hand in hand.
Just ask the people you see who are living a happy, fulfilled life.
I can almost guarantee that their happiness comes from many other things beside the number on the scale. Sure, feeling healthy and fit is part
of it, but my educated guess is that they put efforts into building the overall lifestyle that yields that rather than just focusing on a
short-term diet or fitness fad to make it happen.
If you are on a quest to lose weight because you think you'll automatically be happier when you lose 20lbs of scale weight, challenge
yourself to think differently.
Challenge yourself to think about building a lifestyle of healthy habits that will help you get to your ideal weight and fitness level (whatever
that may be) and produce a life that you enjoy living every day.
And, if you need help doing so..... get in touch! Building this fit & happy lifestyle is what we do best at Lucky13