But imagine looking and feeling better than ever before.
All your family, friends and coworkers who haven’t seen you in a while can’t help but notice your natural glow … how much younger you look.
That’s what you need right now … a pandemic-proof gameplan to help you smash the “COVID Curves” and help you get rid of “Pandemic Fatigue.”
I can’t stress enough that our mental health is also at risk now more than ever.
And the four proven components that must be present to combat this are:
- Proper nutritional coaching
- Custom strength training
- Interval-based cardio training
- A complete support system with community and accountability
Blending these together is MUCH more challenging than it would appear. Hey, if it was easy, we would all have six-pack abs. So what can you do to get what you need?
Eat a little bit better. It doesn’t have to be (and probably shouldn’t be) perfect. Look at what you typically eat and say, “How can I improve this 1% each day.” More protein and vegetables, less processed food. Do that with most of your meals, and you’re going to be well on your way to removing yourself from the 54% who gained weight over the past 12 months.
Get stronger. Resistance training (i.e. pushing, pulling and carrying relatively heavy objects) can be a game-changer for your health and longevity … not to mention for how your body looks in the mirror.
Cardio in the proper doses. I can’t emphasize this enough … endless hours of walking on a treadmill are not going to get you the body and health that you want. Cardio has its place … and it’s usually second place behind strength training, in short, simple doses.
Accountability. Whether it’s a workout buddy or a coach, find someone who wants the same things you want … and hold each other accountable. Make appointments to work out, and keep them. Find someone you trust, with whom you’re willing (even eager) to share your success and missteps. It’ll make a huge difference.
What’s one thing you’d say YOU need to have your best fitness year ever over the next 12 months? Shoot me a message at [email protected] and let me know.
- Coach Michelle