If you’ve been reading my emails for any length of time, you’ll know that I am a HUGE believer in Training the Brain & strengthening the mental muscle.
In fact, I think it’s the missing link to fitness success.
I’m so passionate about Training the Brain that I even wrote a BOOK about it.
(You can grab a free copy here.)
I’ve written a LOT about mindset, but one of the most critical things about Training the Brain is that, just like any other muscle of the body, it takes many “reps” and “sets” over the course of time to get the muscle strong & optimally functioning.
Just as 1 squat won’t give you the perfect A$$, meditating or writing gratitudes for 1 day won’t give you an ironclad mindset.
But, if you follow a well structured strength training program that includes squats, and you continually progress the program to keep your body challenged….. Well, you’ll probably have a pretty nice looking A$$.
Similarly, if you have a mindset routine that you regularly follow, made up of things like gratitude practice, reciting a mantra, meditation, deep breathing, listing wins, listening to uplifting music, surrounding yourself with positive and uplifting messages….. Well, you’ll probably have a pretty awesome, positive mindset.
One of the things I include in my brain training routine is putting messages of positivity all around me.
My friend Heather gave me a tank top that says MINDSET IS EVERYTHING.
I love it. It’s comfy… and every time I wear it, I’m reminded that my mindset is critical to my success.
I noticed that on the days I wore the tank top, I was in a better mood, I was more focused, and I felt more productive and successful.
So, I bought 4 more of the exact same tank top.
Now I have 5 of the exact same tank tops, and I am often seen wearing them day after day.
This is a great example of how I work daily to keep my mindset positive & remind myself that building a strong mindset is a constant effort….I must work at it every day.
If you want a great body, you’ll have to work at it consistently… first to get it, and then to keep it.
The same goes for your mindset.
I challenge you to do something today to become stronger in body and mind.
- Coach Michelle