When you eat and swallow food/drink, your body immediately goes to work breaking it down, digesting, extracting nutrients and sending them to the proper places. Then it gets rid of what’s left over. All of the nutrients your body needs to function are derived from the food (fuel) you put into it. The quality of the food you put in directly affects the quality of your body’s makeup. Put in clean, whole, natural, REAL foods and you will find that your skin and hair look healthier, you have more energy, you feel less weighed down and bloated. Your body is running efficiently because you’re fueling it with foods as close to their natural state as possible. Your body is easily able to digest, and extract vitamins, minerals, nutrients and energy naturally existing in the foods. But put in processed, preservative-laden food and you are forcing your body to try to function using chemicals and manufactured flavors. Not gonna happen. Not very well, anyway. Chances are, you will feel constantly tired, sluggish, bloated and even hungry. In addition, your hair and skin won’t have a healthy glow. I’d also bet your cholesterol, blood pressure and body fat percentage would register at unhealthy levels.
Organic fruits and veggies, nuts & seeds, organic meats, eggs, and dairy; unaltered, unprocessed and unmodified, these are the best sources of fuel you can put in your body. Alternately, Kit Kat’s, Pringles, Low Fat Veggie Chips, Chex Mix, Diet Coke and Chicken Flavored Ramen Noodles are NOT. Eating a McDonald’s hamburger and fries for dinner is not the same as having a baked potato with grass-fed, organic beef. Rice-A-Roni is NOT equivalent to brown rice. And sliced peaches in syrup are not comparable to a fresh peach. Why? Just look at the ingredient list; the box equivalent of the REAL food hardly compares. The processed versions will have preservatives, artificial flavors and coloring (made of chemicals), and loads of other things that can be damaging to your body. Some of them may not even contain ANY of the items in the title on the package! The REAL foods, on the other hand, hardly come in packages and don’t even need an ingredient list!
The examples are endless but it all boils down to the same thing. What you choose to eat and drink matters. The food and drink you put in your mouth is the only thing your body is able to use to function. It can not miraculously change chemicals into vitamins and additives into minerals. If you put in junk, you will get junk in return. If you put in top-notch food and drink, expect to be feeling better than ever before. The slogan is simple, and so is the message. So, next time you’re about to eat or drink something, think twice about what you are actually about to feed your body. After all, you are what you eat.