In fact, you’d literally have to be living under a rock if you didn’t hear about it.
The media covered it just as much as, if not more than, the fact that an amazingly awesome little indie film won Best Picture.
And the debates on social media grew fast and furiously….people had strong opinions about this one.
All sorts of things were wrapped into people’s opinions and arguments - race, gender, and more.
I know it created disagreements, arguments, and I’d venture to guess that some relationships were badly damaged over differing opinions of this event.
Just observing folks in my personal life, I noticed that no matter what side of the coin they were on, this issue completely took over their day. It angered them, made them frustrated, and they were so focused on making their argument that they didn’t pay much attention to anything else going on.
This happens a LOT these days… issues like politics, C0VID, religion, war, etc.
People have STRONG opinions and spend a lot of time getting into back-and-forth arguments with those on the other side.
And it comes at a great cost.
For me, I spent the past few days completely deliberately choosing to put my energy elsewhere than the Will Smith / Chris Rock incident.
Instead I chose to focus on the wonderful joy of the movie CODA winning 3 Oscars.
As I wrote in Monday’s newsletter, I have a very special connection to this movie and I was just overjoyed at its success.
So I spent all day long reading articles related to this movie, its journey, and its awards.
I spent the whole day with a smile on my face… I refused to pay much attention to anything that would get me down.
I actually said to my wife “Nobody is stealing my joy today… I’m just so happy and I’m not going to let anything change that!”
The important point here is that I CHOSE where to put my attention.
I CHOSE what to consume, in terms of media and conversation.
I CHOSE things that would reinforce all the good, happy feelings I had.
Others CHOSE differently.
Now, I’m not always perfect… I get sucked into those social media battles sometimes too…. But every single time I do it, i regret it.
I always feel better when I choose to put my attention and energy into something / someone that fills me up, makes me better, or brings me positivity.
And even when I’m passionately upset about an event or incident [“Don’t Say Gay” bill getting signed into law in FL 🤬] I do my best to choose my response.
I make every effort to channel my anger, rage, and feelings into an action that benefits those I support. [making a donation to the Human Rights Campaign, or volunteering with LGBTQ kids]
So ask yourself: when presented with an event or incident that brings about BIG feelings, what are you choosing?
The path you choose will have rippling effects over all aspects of your life…most specifically, as it relates to health & fitness, it has the power to sabotage the hard work you put in.
So, what are you choosing?
- Coach Michelle
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